Prof. Judit Bokser-Liwerant.


Senior Full Time Professor of Political Science at the Universidad Nacional Autonóma de Mexico (UNAM), since 1985


Member of the Mexican Academy of Science, since 1999.

Member of the National Research System (Fellowship at the highest level) since 1991.

Distinguished Visiting Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, since 2013.

Director and Editor of the New Epoch of the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, since 2012.

Co-editor with Eliezer Ben Rafael and Yossi Gorny of the series Jewish Identities in a Changing World,  Brill Editorial House, since 2009.



Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, lives in Mexico since 1968.

BA and MA studies in Political Science and Sociology, Hebrew University of Jeursalem (1963-1968)  


PhD in Political Science (Cum Laude), UNAM.

Senior Full-Time Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM, since 1985. 

Senior Researcher, Center for Social Theory, UNAM, since 1985.


Head of the Graduate School of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM, 1996- 2012, one of the top Latin American post graduate programs, whose academic reform she led. 

Coordinator of the Jewish Studies Program, Universidad Iberoamericana, in collaboration with the International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Jerusalem, 1980-1995.  Pioneer Judaic Studies at university level in Mexico and Latin America. 

Head of the Academic Committee of the Universidad Hebraica in Mexico, in charge of the Strategic Academic Planning , 2003-2013. 

Founder and Member of the Academic Committee of The Liwerant Center for the Study of Latin America, Spain and Postugal, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2009-2015)

Associate Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM, 1975-1985.

Part-Time Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM, 1970-1974.

Senior Researcher, Center for Political Studies, UNAM, 1974-1982.

Head of the Department of Political Science, 1976-1982.

Associate Director of the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (Mexican Journal of Political and Social Sciences), 1996-2011


Visiting professor at national and international universities. Among others:

Beatty Chair, at McGill University (Canada); Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris); Eckstein Scholar in Residence at the Arizona State University (USA); San Martin Chair,  Hebrew University of Jerusalem;  Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem .

Has participated in more than two hundred international and national scientific congresses and colloquia (140 national and 101 international).

Has taught 138 courses and seminars.

Has tutored 32 thesis in UNAM and international (30 at graduate level, and was part of  8 advisory committees; currently tutorin 3 Phd thesis ad member of two tutorial committees.)


Membership in Mexican Human Rights Organizations:

Citizen Commission against Discrimination, 2001. Member of the Committee in  charge of the elaboration of the National Law to fight discrimination, xenophobia and antisemitism.

Member of the Council of the Commission for Human Rigths of the Federal District (CDHDF), 2002-2008.

Member of the Board of the National Councyl to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred), 2008-2014.



Has authored and edited 18 books; 82 book chapters, 92 scientific articles, 31 prologues and scientific editorial in the fields of Political Sociology, Political Science and Contemporary Jewry.

Her works span in the intersection of different disciplinary fields and research areas, ranging from political theory to Contemporary Jewry. Her research focuses on political sociology, Jewish responses to Modernity_ migration and Jewish national movement; ethnic and national identities; citizenship building, democracy and minorities; collective identities and multiculturalism; globalization processes and transnationalism; discrimination processes and anti-Semitism; Jewish identities and communal life in the region.



  • Community, Society and Politics. Past and Present Paths of Latin American Jews. Leiden-London: Brill (forthcoming)
  • El Educador Judío Latinoamericano en un Mundo Transnacional (The Latinamerican Jewish Educator in a Transantional World), with Sergio DellaPergola, Leonardo Senkman and Yossi Goldstein, Editorial Bonilla y Artigas, Jerusalem-México, 2015.
  • Reconsidering Israel-Diaspora Relations (with Eliezer Ben Rafael and Yossi Gorni). Boston-Leiden: Brill, 2014.
  • Pertenencia y alteridad. Judíos en/de América Latina: cuarenta años de cambios. (Belonging and Otherness. Jewish in/from Latin America. Forty Years of Changes) (editor, with Haim Avni, Sergio DellaPergola et al.). Berlin-Madrid: Editorial Iberoamérica-, 2011.
  • Pensar la globalización, la democracia y la diversidad (Thinking Globalization, Democracy and Diversity) (editor, with Felipe Pozo and Gilda Waldman). Mexico: UNAM, 2009.
  • Transnationalism (editor, with Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Yitshak Shterenber, and Yossi Gorny). Leiden-London: Brill, 2009.
  • Sociedad, política e identidades (Society, Politics and Identities) (with Saúl Velasco). Mexico: UNAM-Siglo XXI, 2009.
  • Identities in an Era of Globalization and Multiculturalism: Latin America in the Jewish World (editor, with Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Yossi Gorni, and Raanan Rein). Leiden-London: Brill, 2008.
  • The Middle East Conflict (editor, with Felipe Pozo). Mexico: Universidad Hebraica, 2006.
  • Las ciencias sociales, universidad y sociedad (Social Sciences, University and Society) (coordinator and introductory study). Mexico: UNAM, 2003.
  • Léxico de la política (Political Lexicon) (with Isidro Cisneros, Laura Baca, and Germán Pérez). Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2000.
  • Agendas de investigación y docencia en ciencia política (Research and Teaching Agendas in Political Science) (coordinator). Mexico: Colegio Nacional de Ciencia Política-UNAM-UAM, 1999.
  • Encuentro y alteridad. La vida y la cultura judía en América Latina (Encounter and Otherness. Jewish Life and Culture in Latin America) (with Alicia Backal, editors and introductory study). Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica-UNAM-Universidad de Tel Aviv-Universidad de Jerusalén, 1999.
  • Estado actual de la ciencia política (Political Science Today) (coordinator). Mexico: Colegio Nacional de Ciencia Política-Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Instituto Federal Electoral, 1997.
  • Imágenes de un encuentro. La presencia judía en México durante la primera mitad del siglo XX (Images of an Encounter. The Jewish Presence in Mexico during the First Half of the 20th Century). Mexico: UNAM-Comité Central Israelita-MBM, 1991.
  • El movimiento nacional judío. El sionismo en México, 1922-1947 (The Jewish National Movement. Zionism in Mexico 1922-1947). Mexico: UNAM, 1991.
  • Historia del movimiento nacional judío (History of the Jewish National Movement) Antología. Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana-Centro para los Estudios Universitarios de la Cultura Judía, 1984.
  • Formas de producción teórica y formas de producción ideológica (Theroretical and Ideological Forms of Production). Antología. Mexico: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM, 1981.


Selected Articles


  • Globalization, diasporas, and transnationalism. Jews in the Americas”, Contemporary Jewry (aceptado).
  •  “Claves del poder suave para entender la relación histórica entre Israel y América Latina” (Clues About Soft Power to Understand the Historical Relationship Between Israel and Latin America), with Yael Siman, Foreign Affairs, october 2020.
  • “Gender, Family and Theory Matter in Contemporary Jewry: Response to Harriet Hartman's Sklare Address” in Contemporary Jewry, 40(2), 2020.
  • “El Muro como frontera, su caída como proceso. A treinta años del Muro de Berlín” (The Wall as a Border, Its Fall as a Process. 30 Years from the Berlin Wall) with Federico Saracho, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM, No. 238, 2019, pp.161-179
  • La producción científica en un contexto de transformación social” (Scientific production in a context of social transformation), Revista Mexicana de Sociología, No. 4, 2019, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, UNAM, pp. 929-934.
  • “El Antisemitismo, el antisionismo y el anti-Israelismo como formas discursivas históricas y contemporáneas en México” (Antisemitism, Antizionism and Anti-israelism as Historical and Contemporary Discursive Forms in Mexico), with Yael Siman (forthcoming).
  • Los 68: movimientos estudiantiles y sociales en un emergente transnacionalismo y sus olas dentro del sistema-mundo. A manera de editorial” (1968s: Student and Social Movements in an Emerging Transnationalism and its Waves Within the World-System. An Editorial Framework), with Federico Saracho, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, No. 234, Nueva Época, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM, 2018, pp.13-52.
  • “Past and Present of Latin American Jewry: A Conceptual Path. The Marshal Sklare Award”, Contemporary Jewry, 38(2), 2018.
  • “Holocausto, Modernidad, Memoria… Nuevas reflexiones críticas en torno a Bauman” (Holocaust, Modernity and Memory… New Critical Reflections around Bauman), Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, No. 230, 2017, pp. 339-358.
  • “Anti-Semitism and Related Expressions of Prejudice in a Global World. A view from Latin America.” Report on Antisemitism, ISGAP, 2017.
  • “Los educadores judíos latinoamericanos. Múltiples identidades e identificación con Israel”, with Sergio DellaPergola y Yael Siman, Judaica Latinoamericana VIII, Jerusalem, Magness Press, 2017, pp. 431-492.
  • “Conceptual and Methodological Clues for Approaching the Connections between Mexico and the Holocaust: Separate or Interconnected Histories?” (with Daniela Gleizer and Yael Siman). Contemporary Review of the Middle East, 3 (3): 1-37, 2016.
  • “Expanding Frontiers and Affirming Belonging: Youth Travel to Israel. A View from Latin America”. Hagira Journal on Migration, 2016.
  • “Jewish Diaspora and Transnationalism: Awkward (Dance) Partners, en Eliezer Ben Rafael, Judit Bokser Liwerant y Yosi Gorni (Editores), Reconsidering Israel-Diaspora Relations, Boston and Leiden: Brill, 2014, pp. 369-404.
  • “On Diaspora and Loyalties in Times of Globalization and Transnationalism. Response to the Sklare Lecture”, Contemporary Jewry, Vol 34, Núm. 3, 2014, pp. 189-207.
  • “Latin American Jewish Social Studies: The Evolution of Cross-Disciplinary Field”. Studies in Contemporary Jewry, 27: 178-193 [Science and Ideology in Contemporary Jewish Research, Uzi Rebhun (Ed.)], 2014.
  • “Encuentros, dilemas y proyectos en la historia. Modernidad y movimiento nacional judío” (Encounters, Dilemmas and Projects in History. Modernity and Jewish National Movement). Istor: Revista de Historia Internacional, 14 (55): 23-64, 2013
  • “Las minorías religiosas en las ENADIS” (Religious Minorities in the National Surveys on Discrimination) Revista México Social (41): 14-19, 2013. (Available at: http://www.mexicosocial.org/index.php/hemeroteca/numeros-anteriores/item/426-numero-41-diciembre).
  • “Latin American Jewish Life in the 21st Century: the paradox of shrinking communities, and expanded-revitalized Jewish life”, Annual Assesment, The Jewish People Policy Institute, 2013, pp. 159-172.
  •   “Diásporas y transnacionalismo: nuevas indagaciones sobre los judíos latinoamericanos hoy” (Diaspora and Transnationalism: New Researches on Latin American Jews) (with Leonardo Senkman). Judaica Latinoamericana, 8, 2013.
  • “Latin American Jews in the United States. Community and Belonging in Times of Transnationalism”. Contemporary Jewry, 2013. pp. 121-143
  • “Discriminación y minorías religiosas” (Discrimination and religious minorities). Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación, 2012 (on-line).
  • “Mexico in a Region under Change”. Journal for the Study of Antisemitism, 3 (1): 27-49, 2011.
  • “Latin American Jewry Today”. JPPI, Jerusalem,  Annual Assessments, 2010, 2011.
  • “The Jewish World. A World of Diversity”. Inn Index of Jewish Peoplehood. Beith Hatfuzot Journal, 2010.
  • “Género y nuevos saberes. Una fructífera interacción” (Gender and New Knowledge. A Fruitful Interaction). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 52 (208): 187-194, 2010.
  • “Fronteras y convergencias disciplinarias” (Frontiers and Disciplinary Convergences). Revista Mexicana de Sociología, 71: 51-74, 2009.
  •  “Jewish Civilization Today: A World of Identities”. in extenso, Bronfman Forum, 2008.
  • “La discriminación. Un fenómeno difuso. Reflexiones a partir de la Primera Encuesta Nacional sobre Discriminación en México” (Discrimination. A difussed social phenomenon). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 49 (200), 2008.
  •  “Los retos de la democracia hoy: Estado de derecho, ciudadanía y derechos humanos” (The Challenges of Democracy Today: State of Law, Citizenship and Human Rights). DFensor, IV (6), 2006.
  • “El conflicto palestino-israelí. Los altibajos de una década” (The Israeli-Palestine Conflict. A Decade of Ups and Downs). Revista de la Universidad Hebraica, 2006.
  • “Globalización y regionalismos: el Medio Oriente en la perspectiva de vuelta de siglo” (Globalization and Regionalism: The Middle East on the Turn of the Century). Memoria del Coloquio de Primavera en Relaciones Internacionales, México, UNAM, Centro de Estudios Internacionales, 2006; en línea.
  • “El Holocausto: memoria, víctimas y moralidad. Un acercamiento a Zygmunt Bauman”, (The Holocaust: Memory, Victims and Morality. On Zygmunt Bauman). Anthropos (2006): 168-183, 2005.
  • “The Middle East: Between War and Peace”. Journal of American Studies in Turkey [Jesús Velazco (ed.)], 2005.
  • “La cuestión judía hoy: Del ¿socialismo de los tontos? a la recurrencia del prejuicio” (The Jewsih Question Today). Metapolítica, septiembre 2004, 212-219.
  • “El antisemitismo en la historia” (Antisemitism in History). Bien Común (107) 36-54, 2003.
  • “Modernidad y Holocausto. Algunas reflexiones críticas en torno a Bauman” (Modernity and Holocaust. Critical Reflections on Bauman) (with Gilda Waldman). Acta Sociológica (35): 31-60, 2002.
  • “Propuesta para el desarrollo de las ciencias sociales y las humanidades en México” (A Proposal for the Development of the Social Sciences and Humanities) (with several contributors). Revista Ciencia, 2002. (Available at: http://www.revistaciencia.amc.edu.mx/images/revista/53_1/propuesta_desarrollo_sociales.pdf).
  • “Las dos caras de la individuación: inclusión y exclusión” (The Two Faces of Individualization: Inclusion and Exclusion). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (184): 243-249, 2002.
  • “2001: un año que termina, un siglo que comienza en la lucha contra la discriminación y la intolerancia” (2001. A Year that Finishes, a Century that Starts in the Fight Against Discrimination and Intolerance). Gaceta (1): 43-50, 2002.
  • “El antisemitismo: recurrencias y cambios históricos” (Antisemitism: Persistence and Historical Change). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (182-183): 101-132, 2001.
  • “Racismo y antisemitismo” (Racism and Antisemitism). Tolerancia, pp. 257-276, 2001.
  • “Reflexiones sobre la laicidad” (Reflections on Laicisim). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 44 (181): 273-284, 2001.
  • “Ciudadanía e identidades colectivas” (Citizenship and Collective Identities). Pluralitas (4): June 2001 (on-line review).
  • “De convergencias disciplinarias e interacciones institucionales: el Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM” (Disciplinary Convergences and Institucional Interactions: The Graduate Program in Political and Social Sciences). Omnia (40): 131-145, 2000.
  • “Globalización, identidades colectivas y ciudadanía” (Globalization, Collective Identities and Citizenship) (with Alejandra Salas P.). Política y Cultura (12): 25-52, 1999.
  • “El Ghetto: historia y memoria” (The Ghetto: History and Memory) (with Gilda Waldman). Acta Sociológica (26-27): 55-86, 1999.
  • “Juan Pablo II y México: reflexiones en torno a los encuentros” ( John Paul II and Mexico: Reflections on their Encounters). Religiones y Sociedad (5) 9-20, 1999.
  • “Hacia un nuevo modelo de posgrado en ciencias sociales” (Towards a New Model of Graduate Studies in Social Sciences). Omnia (36-37), 1997. (Available at: http://www.posgrado.unam.mx/publicaciones/ant_omnia/index.php).
  • “Los rostros del antisemitismo” (The Faces of Antisemitism). Coloquio, 27: 33-45, 1996.
  • “Cárdenas y los judíos: entre el exilio y la inmigración” (Cardenas and the Jews: Exile and Immigration). Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbbean Studies, 20 (39-40): 13-38, 1996.
  • “Ética y diversidad: el desafío de la sociedad civil” (Ethics and Diversity: Civil Society’s Challenge). Estudios (42): 31-49. 1995.
  • “De la guerra a la paz en el Medio Oriente: política, economía y cultura” (From War To Peace in the Middle East: Politics, Economy and Culture). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (159): 53-72, 1995.
  • “Antisemitism in Mexico”. Antisemitism: World Report, 1993; 1994; 1995. London: Institute of Jewish Affairs.
  • “La Escuela de Frankfurt” (The Francfurt School). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (150), 1992.
  • “Los judíos en México. Entre el exilio y la inmigración” (Jews in Mexico: Between Immigration and Exile). Anuario del Instituto de Investigaciones Interculturales Germano-Mexicanas. II (3-4), 1991.
  • “El movimiento sionista y México frente a la creación del Estado de Israel” (Zionism and the Mexican Society vis-à-vis the Establishment of the State of Israel). Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalén, 1990, pp. 543-550.
  •  “Estado actual de la ciencia política” (Political Science: the State of the Art). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (136-137): 43-50, 1989.
  • “Reencontrando identidad. Apuntes metodológicos para el estudio de los judíos en América Latina” (Encounters with Identity. Methodological Notes on Jews in Latin America). Secuencia (13): 207-215, 1989.
  •  “Zionism in Mexico”, Encyclopaedia of Zionism and Israel. New York-Jerusalem: Herzl Press and McGraw Hill, 1989.
  •  “La Reforma Política” (Political Reform in Mexico)- Estudios Políticos (11): 144-164, 1977.
  •  “La universidad en México” (The Mexican University). Estudios Políticos (9): 173-185, 1977.
  • “La estabilidad en transición” (Stability in Transition). Estudios Políticos (8): 163-176, 1977, 1977.
  •  “Apuntes sobre una teoría crítica de la sociedad” (Reflections on Critical Theory). Estudios Políticos (10): 19-29. 1977.
  •  “Tendencias de la realidad argentina” (Current Trends in Argentinian Society). Estudios Políticos (5): 77-93, 1976.
  •  “Parsons y Dahl: dos tentativas de confinar la realidad política” (Parsons and Dahl: Two Formalyzing Approaches to Politics). Estudios Políticos (2): 65-83, 1975.
  •  “Los trabajadores en el Estado mexicano” (Workers in the Mexican State). Deslinde(37): 1-24, 1973.


Selected Book Chapters


Peer reviewed


“Israel-Diaspora Relations: Continuities and Discontinuities”, in Kennedy and Rebhun (Eds.) en Critical Perspectives on Jewish Identity, Israel-Diaspora Relations, and Antisemitism, Springer Ed., (forthcoming).


“Antisemitism in Mexico”, Enciclopedia of Antisemitism, SWC, Routledge Press (forthcoming).


“Anti-Semitism (and related expressions of prejudice) in a global world. A view from Latin America”, in Armin Lange, KerstinMayerhofer, Dina Porat, Lawrence H. Schiffman (eds.), An End to Antisemitism, vol. 4. De Greutter Ed. House (forthcoming).


“Latin American Jews. Changing horizons and new challenges, Jerusalem”, Jewish People Policy Institute, 2018.


“Reconsidering Israel-Diaspora Relations: On Collective Affirmation in Search of Autonomy - the US-Mexico Wall”, Judaica Latinoamericana, Magness Press-AMILAT.


“Acrcamientos conceptuales y socio-históricos a Múltiples Modernidades: secularización, laicidad e identidades coelctivas” (Conceptual and Methodological approaches to Multiple Modernitities and Collective Identities), in Pauline Capdeville y Fernando Arletazz (Eds.), Escenarios actuales de la Laicidad en América Latina, UNAM-IIJ, 2019, pp. 31-65.


“Los Educadores Judíos Latinoamericanos: multiples identidades e identificación con Israel” (Latin American Jewish Educators: Multiple Identities and Identification with Israel) with Sergio DellaPergola and Yael Siman, Judaica Lationaemericana, Jerusalem, Magness press- Amilat, 2017.


“Acercamientos conceptuales y socio-históricos a Múltiples Modernidades: secularización, laicidad e identidades colectivas” (Conceptual and socio-historical approaches to Multiple Modernities: seculatization, laicicism and colective identities), in Pauline Capdeville y Fernando Arletazz (Eds.), Escenarios actuales de la laicidad en América Latina, IIJ-UNAM, 2019, pp. 31-65.


“Antisemitism in Mexico and Latin America: Recurrences and Changes” with Yael Siman, in Steven K. Baum, Florette Cohen and Steven L. Jacobs (Eds.), Antisemitism in North America. New World, Old Hate, Boston/Leiden: Brill, 2016. pp. 21-173.


“The Changing status of Zionism and Israel in Latin American Jewry”, in Eliezer Ben Rafael, Julius Schoeps, Yitzhak Sternberg and Olaf Glockner (Eds.), Handbook of Israel: The Major Debates, 2 volumes, De Greuyter Editorial House, 2016, pp. 998-1027. DOI (Chapter): https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110351637-069.


“Globalization and transnationalism: facing new realities, narratives and conceptual challenges”. In Penser global. Internationalization et globalization des sciences humaines et sociales, Lauren Lévi Strauss and Gwenaëlle Lieppe (eds.). France: Maison des Sciences de L’Homme, 2015, pp 309-336.


“Modernidad, judaísmo y múltiples modernidades: complejidad, diversidad y contradicciones. En torno a Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt” (Modernity, Judaism and Multiple Modernities: Complexity, Diversity and Contradictions), in Karla Planter (ed.), Modernidad y teoría social, Universidad de Guadalajara (forthcoming).


“Thinking ‘Múltiples Modernities’ from Latin America’s Perspectives: Complexity, Periphery and Diversity”. In Varieties of Multiple Modernities. New Research Designs, Michael Sussman and Gerhard Preyer (eds.). Boston and Leiden: Brill, 2015, pp. 177-205. DOI: 10.1163/9789004306714.


“Transnational Expansions of Latin American Jewish Life in times of migration: A mosaic of experiences in the United States”, en Eli Lederhendler y Uzi Rebhun (Editores.), Research in Jewish Demography and Identity, Boston, Academic Studies Press, 2015, pp 198-240.


“Globalization, transnationalism, diasporas: facing new realities and conceptual challenges”, in Michel Wieviorka, Lauren Lévi Strauss y Gwenaëlle Lieppe (Eds.), Penser global. Internationalization et globalization des sciences humaines et sociales, Maison des Sciences de L’Homme, Francia, 2015, pp 309-336.


“Jewish Diaspora and Transnationalism: Awkward (Dance) Partners”. In Reconsidering Israel-Diaspora Relations, Eliezer Ben Rafael, Judit Bokser Liwerant and Yosi Gorni (eds.). Boston and Leiden: Brill, 2014, pp. 369-404.


“Ciencias sociales y políticas de Estado en México” (Social Sciences and State Policies in Mexico). In Retos de las humanidades y las ciencias sociales. Mexico: UNAM, Coordinación de Humanidades, 2013, pp. 56-96.


“El Estado de Israel y su Impacto sobre la vida Institucional de la Comunidad Judía en México” (The State of Israel and its Impact on the Institutional Life of the Jewish Community in Mexico). In Cien años de vida institucional judía en México, Alicia Gojman de Backal (coord.). Mexico: UNAM, 2013, pp. 103- 136. 


“Expanding Latin American Jewish Life in Times of Transnationalism. A mosaic of experiences in the United States”. In Festrischrift to Sergio DellaPergolla, 2013.


“Latin American Jewish Life in the 21st Century: the paradox of shrinking communities, and expanded-revitalized Jewish life”. Annual Assesment, The Jewish People Policy Institute, 2013.


“Being National, Being Transnational: Snapshots of Belonging and Citizenship”. In Shifting Frontiers of Citizenship: The Latin American Experience, Mario Sznajder, Luis Roniger, Carlos Forment (eds.)., Leiden and London: Brill, 2012, pp. 343-365.


“Identidad, cultura y diversidad como parámetros reflexivos” (Identity, Culture and Diversity as Criteria for Critical Thought). In Democracia, conocimiento y cultura, Rosalba Casas Guerrero and Hubert Carton de Grammont (eds.). Mexico: Bonilla Artigas Editores-IISUNAM, 2012, pp. 389-406.


“El Medio Oriente hoy: Nuevas tendencias e interrogantes” (The Middle East Today: New Trends and Quandaries) (with Yael Siman). In Medio Oriente y Norte de Africa: Reforma, revolución o continuidad, Manuel Ferez and Elisenda Ballesté (eds.). Mexico, Senado de la República, 2011, pp. 285-327.


“Prácticas y discursos de exclusión. Aproximaciones a la construcción identitaria judía en México” (Praxis and Discourses of Exclusion. Approaches to Jewish Identity Construction in Mexico). In Memorias Archivadas, Alicia Gojman de Backal (ed.). Mexico: UNAM, 2011.


“Tres modelos de innovación educativa en México. Un análisis a tres voces” (Three Models of Innovation in Education. A three Voices Analysis) (with Haim Avni and Daniel Fainstein). In Pertenencia y alteridad. Judíos en/de América Latina: Cuarenta años de cambios, Haim Avni, Judit Bokser, Sergio DellaPergola et al. Berlín-Madrid: Editorial Iberoamérica, 2011, pp. 563-600.


“Los judíos de América Latina: los signos de las tendencias. Juegos y contrajuegos” (Jews in Latin America: Sygns, Trends and Counter-currents). In Pertenencia y alteridad. Judíos en/de América Latina: Cuarenta años de cambios, Haim Avni, Judit Bokser, Sergio DellaPergola et al. Berlín-Madrid: Editorial Iberoamérica, 2011, pp. 115-164.


“Cuarenta años de cambio: transiciones y paradigmas” (Forty Years of Change: Transitions and Paradygms). In Pertenencia y alteridad. Judíos en/de América Latina: Cuarenta años de cambios, Haim Avni, Judit Bokser, Sergio DellaPergola et al. Berlín-Madrid: Editorial Iberoamérica, 2011, pp. 13-83.


“Klal Ysrael Today. Unity and Diversity: Reflections on Europe and Latin America in a Globalized World” (with Eliezer Ben Rafael). In A Road to Nowhere. Jewish Experiences Unifying Europe, Julius Schoeps et al. (eds.). Leiden and London: Brill, 2010, pp. 299-334.


“Multiculturalismo” (Multiculturalism). In Interculturalidad. Historias, experiencia y utopías, Araceli Mondragón and Francisco Monroy (eds.). Mexico: UIEM-Plaza y Valdés, 2010, pp. 83-98.


“El conflicto palestino-israelí. Recurrencias históricas; nuevos dilemas” (The Palestine-Israeli Conflict: Historical Continuities, New Dilemmas). In El conflicto en Gaza e Israel 2008-2009. Una visión desde América Latina, Manuel Ferez Gil (ed.). Mexico: Senado de la República, 2009, pp. 95-126.


“Notas reflexivas sobre los desafíos contemporáneos: globalización, diversidad y democracia” (Reflexive Notes on Current Challenges: Globalization, Diversity and Democracy)”. In Pensar la globalización, la democracia y la diversidad, Judit Bokser Liwerant, Felipe Pozo and Gilda Waldman (coords.). Mexico: UNAM, Colección Posgrado, 2009, pp. 25-58.


“Identidades colectivas y esfera pública en México. Transformaciones y recurrencias” (Collective Identities Publis Sphere in Mexico. Transformations and Permanence). In Judaica Latinoamericana VI. Jerusalem: Magness Press-AMILAT, 2009, pp. 305-336.


“Latin American Jews. A Transnational Diaspora”. In Transnationalism, Eliezer Ben Rafael, Yitzhak Sternberg, Judit Bokser Liwerant, Yossi Gorny (eds.). Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2009, pp. 351-374.


“Identidad, diversidad y democracia: oportunidades y desafíos” (Identity, Diversity and Democracy: opportunities and challenges). In Participación política desde la diversidad, Martha Singer (coord.). México: UNAM-Plaza y Valdés, 2009, pp. 21-37.


“Identidades colectivas y esfera pública: judíos y libaneses en México” (Collective Idnetities and Public Sphere: Jews and Arabs in Mexico). In Árabes y judíos en el Iberoamérica, Raanan Rein (ed.). Mexico: Fundación Tres Culturas, Colección Anfora, 2008, pp. 323-358.


“La religión en el espacio público: los procesos de desecularización” (Religion in the Public Sphere: De-Seculariation Processes). In Los retos de la laicidad y la secularización en el mundo contemporáneo, Roberto Blancarte (ed.). Mexico: El Colegio de México, 2008, pp. 59-84.


“Multiculturalismo” (Multiculturalism). In El léxico de la política en la globalización. Nuevas realidades, viejos referentes, Germán Pérez Fernández del Castillo (comp). Mexico, Ed. Porrua, 2009, pp. 375-396.


“Jewish Women in Latin America”. Annual Assesment. Jerusalem: Jewish Public Policy Planning Institute, 2008.


“Ciudadanía y democracia. Notas en torno a un binomio” (Citizenship and Democracy. Notes on eh Binomial). In Memoria del VII Encuentro Internacional sobre Cultura Democrática “Democracia, ciudadanía y cultura”. Mexico: CUCS-Universidad de Guadalajara, 2008.


Mexico nos Anos 1930: Cardenismo, Imigracao Judaica e Anti-Semitismo (Cardenism, Jewsih Immigration and Anti-Semitism in Mexico). In O Anti-Semitismo nas Américas, Memoria e Historia, Brazil, Maria Luisa Tucci Carneiro (coord.). Mexico: Universidad de so Paulo, 2007, pp. 545-584.


“Los retos del Estado y la sociedad civil en la educación” (Education Challenges to the State and Society). In Estado, Metrópoli y Políticas Sociales, Juan Antonio Flores (ed.). Mexico: Plaza y Valdés, 2007, pp. 177-184.


“Entre la historia y la memoria, la modernidad y la alteridad. Ejes de identificación judía” (Between History and Memory. Modernity, Changing Axes of Identification). In Memoria (in)cógnitas. Contiendas en la historia, Gilda Waldman y Maya Aguiluz (coords). Mexico: UNAM-CIICH, 2007,


“Jewish Women in México”. Jewish Women. A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia. Jerusalem: Shalvi Publishing Inc., 2007.


“Challenges and Alternatives of Latin America Jewish Communities”. Annual Assessment 2006. Jerusalem: Jewish Public Policy Planning Institute, 2006.


“Identidad y alteridad. Los dilemas del judaísmo en la modernidad” (Identity and Otherness. Modernity’s Dilemas of Judaism). In Ateologías, Benjamín Meyer Foulkes (ed.). Mexico: CNCyA-Fractal, 2006, pp.93-126.


“El México de los años treinta: cardenismo, inmigración judía y antisemitismo (Mexico During the Thirties: Jewish Immigration and Antisemitism). In Xenofobias y Xenofilia en la historia de México siglos XVIII y XIX. Mexico: Dirección de Estudios Históricos, 2006,


“Globalización, diversidad y pluralismo” (Globalization, Diversity and Pluralism). In Diversidad y multicutluralismo-perspectivas y desafíos, Daniel Gutiérrez M. (coord.), Mexico: Siglo Veintiuno-UNAM,  2006.


“Semitas en el espacio público mexicano” (Semites in the Mexican Public Sphere). In Árabes y judíos en América Latina, Ignacio Klich (ed.). Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno, 2006.


“Poder político y ética pública” (Political Power and Public Ethics). Serie Estudios. Mexico: UNAM, Facultad de Derecho, 2005.


“El lugar cambiante de Israel en la comunidad judía de México: centralidad y procesos de globalización” (The Changing Place of Israel in the Jewish Community of Mexico: centrality and globalization processes). In Judaica Latinoamericana V. Jerusalem: Magness Press-AMILAT, 2005, pp. 185-208.


“Libertades religiosas en México hoy” (Religious Freedom in Mexico Today). In Ética y reforma del Estado en México en tiempos de la democracia. Mexico: Universidad Pontificia, 2003.


“Lugar del posgrado en el desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales: Interacciones disciplinarias, conocimiento y realidad social” (The Role of Graduate Studies in Fostering the Social Sciences: Disciplinary Interactions, Knowledge and Social Reality). In Las ciencias sociales, universidad y sociedad. Temas para una agenda de posgrado, Judit Bokser (ed.). Mexico: UNAM, 2003


“Ciudadanía, procesos de globalización y democracia” (Citizenship, Globalization and Democracy). In Democracia y formación ciudadana. Mexico: IEDF, Colección Sinergia, 2002, pp. 13-552.


“Racismo y antisemitismo” (Racism and Antisemitism). In La discriminación en México: por una nueva cultura de la igualdad. México: Comisión Ciudadana de Estudios contra la Discriminación, México, 2002.


“Las relaciones de la UNAM con los partidos políticos” (The University and Political  Parties) and , en La UNAM. El Debate Pendiente, Pablo Latapí, Roberto Rodríguez et al,  (Eds.) Plaza y Valdés, UNAM-CESU, 2001, pp. 255-272.


“Los desafíos del posgrado en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales” (The Challenges of the Graduate Program in Political and Social Sciences). In La eficiencia terminal en ciencias  sociales y humanidades, Ricardo Sánchez Puentes and Martiniano Arredondo (eds.). Mexico: UNAM/ CESU, 2001.


“De-legitimacy of the Jewish Presence. Mexico’s Vote Zionsim=Racism”. In Latin American Judaism. A Book in Honor of Haim Avni. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, AMILAT, 2001, pp.160-184 (in Hebrew).


“The Six Day War and its Impact on the Mexican Jewish Community”. In The Six Day War and World Jewry, Eli Lederhendler (ed.). Maryland: University Press of Maryland, 2000, pp. 187-204.


“Derechos humanos”. (with Isidro Cisneros). In Léxico de la política. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2000, pp. 153-156.


“Teoría política” (Political Theory). In Léxico de la política. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2000, pp. 717-726.


“Mexico and Palestine’s Partition: Society, Politics and Diplomacy”. In Mexico After the Revolution in Mexico, Zvi Medin an Raanan Reins (eds.). Israel: Tel Aviv University, 1999, pp. 235-262 (in Hebrew),.


“Cómo ser otro sin dejar de ser uno mismo: Respuestas judías a la modernidad” (How to be Other Without giving up being Oneself: Jewish Responses to Modernity). In Humanismo y cultura judía. Mexico: UNAM, 1999, pp. 59-76.


“Estado actual de la ciencia política” (Political Science Today). In La ciencia política mexicana, Mauricio Merino (ed.), Mexico: Biblioteca Mexicana del Siglo XXI. 1999, pp. 23-35.


“Alteridad en la historia y en la memoria: México frente a los refugiados judíos” (Otherness in History and Memory: Mexico and the Jewish Refugees). In Encuentro y alteridad. Vida y la cultura judía en América Latina, Judit Bokser and Alicia Backal (eds.). Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica-UNAM-Tel Aviv University-Jerusalem University, 1999.


“El racismo hoy” (Racism Today). In VI Jornadas Lascanianas. La Problemática del Racismo en los Umbrales del Siglo XXI. Mexico: UNAM, Instituto Investigaciones Jurídicas, 1997, pp. 309-321.


“Los derroteros de la tolerancia en el fin de siglo” (Fin de Siecle’s Paths of Tolerance). In La Universidad y la tolerancia, Rafael Cordera and Eugenia Huerta (eds.). Mexico: UNAM, 1996.


“La identidad nacional: unidad y alteridad” (National Identity: Unity and Otherness). In México: Identidad y Cultura Nacional. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Memoria Mexicana, 1994.


“De exilios, migraciones y encuentros culturales” (On Exiles, Migrations and Cultural Encounters). In México: el exilio bien temperado, Ranatta von Haffesntangel (ed.). Mexico: UNAM-Insituto de Investigaciones Culturales Germano Mexicanas, 1995.


“Judaísmo, modernización y democracia en México” (Judaism, Modernization and Democracy). In Religión, Iglesias y Democracia en México, Roberto Blancarte (ed.). Mexico: UNAM-CIICH-La Jornada, 1995, pp. 265-291.


“Identidad nacional, religión y pertenencia” (National Identity, Religion and Belonging). In El factor religioso en méxico. Tendencias y cambios hacia el siglo XXI. Mexico: CEREM-FLACSO, 1993.


“Zionism and its Struggle with the Left”. In Zionism and Its Opponents. The Srtuggle for Hegemony in the Jewish World. Jerusalem: Magness Press, 1990, pp. 191-203 [in Hebrew].


“Integración y modelos de identificación” (Integration and Identification Models). La presencia judía en México. Memorias. UNAM, 1987.



Editorial Articles

Selected editorial scientific articles published in the New Epoch of the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (2013 to date)


“On Challenges, Disciplinary Knowledge and Convergences. The Mexican Journal of Political and Social Sciences. New Epoche” (De desafíos, saberes y convergencias. La Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales, 58 (217): 9-28, 2013.


“Mexico and Latin America. Social Reserach as a Bridge between the Universal and the Particular (México y América Latina. La investigación social como puente entre lo universal y lo particular). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 58 (218): 9-18, 2013.


“The Social Sciences and Scientific Knowledge: Drawing Options for Orienting Change and Social Action? (Ciencias Sociales y conocimiento: ¿Intelección de opciones de cambio y cursos de acción posibles). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 58 (219): 7-18.


“Challenges Social Sciences Face in a Global Milieu” (Los desafíos de las ciencias sociales frente a las múltiples resonancias de lo global”). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 59 (220): 7-20, 2014.


“Politics and Memory: Pluralyzing Past and Present Scenarios” (Política y memoria. Pluralizando los escenarios del pasado y del presente). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 59 (221): 9-18, 2014.


“On Transformations of Politics, Power and Social Praxis” (En torno a las transformaciones de lo político, el poder y las prácticas sociales). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 59 (222): 9-18, 2014.


“Power, Politics and Society. The Latin American Texture of Inequalities in the Global Context” (Poder, política y sociedad. El entramado latinoamericano de las desigualdades en el contexto global). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 60 (223): 9-26, 2015.


“Polychromy of Knowledges: On Multiple Reconfigurations and Regional Conflicts in a Global World” (Policromía de saberes: Sobre reconfiguraciones múltiples y conflictos regionales en un mundo global). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 60 (224): 9-14, 2015.


“Social Sciences Nowadyas: Between Sinopias and Pentimenti” (Las ciencias sociales de nuestro tiempo: entre sinopias y pentimenti). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 60 (225): 9-20, 2015.


“60 Years of the RMCPyS: Snapshots and Views from the Social Sciences” (with Fernando Castañeda) (60 años de la RMCPyS: instantáneas y miradas desde las Ciencias Sociales). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 61 (226): 9-47, 2016.


“On Society and Public Sphere: Inclusion and Democracy” (Pensar a la sociedad y al espacio público: inclusión y democracia). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 61 (227): 9-30, 2016.


“To Name, Analyze, and Reflect: The Holocaust and Other Genocides” (Nombrar, analizar y reflexionar: El Holocausto y otros genocidios). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 61 (228): 11-26, 2016.


“Latin America in the 21st Century: Transitions, Discontents and Challenges” (América Latina en el siglo XXI: Transiciones, malestares y retos). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 62 (229): 7-16, 2017.

“Conceptual Kaleidoscopes: Institutionality and Complexity; Solid Crisis, Homogeneous


Modernity and Liquid Postmodernity” (Caleidoscopios conceptuales: institucionalidad y complejidad; crisis sólida, modernidad homogénea y posmodernidad líquida). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 62 (230): 9-20, 2017.


“Citizens as Protagonists and the Role of Media, Mediation, and Political Culture in Latin America” (Los ciudadanos como protagonistas y el lugar de los medios, la mediación y la cultura política en América Latina). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 62 (231): 9-22, 2017.


“Accesibility, International Visibility and Thematic Diversity in the Mexican Political and Social Sciences Journal’s New Epoch” (Accesibilidad, visibilidad internacional y diversidad temática en la Nueva Época de la Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 63 (232): 9-15, 2018.


“Scales, Spaces and Frontiers. An International Look to Contemporary Political and Social Problems” (Escalas, espacios y fronteras. Una mirada internacional a los problemas políticos y sociales contemporáneos), Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 64 (233), 2018


“Democracy, Institutional Transformations and Political Reconfigurations” (Democracia, transformaciones institucionales y reconfiguraciones políticas). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 66 (235): 9-21, 2019.


“Notes on the Avatars of Scientific Knowledge: Philosophy, Social Sciences and Political Knowledge” (Apuntes en torno a los avatares del conocimiento científico: filosofía, ciencias sociales y saber político). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 67 (236): 9-20, 2019.


“Problems and Geographies: Society and Political Orders in Mexico and Latin America” (Problemáticas y geografías: sociedad y ordenamientos políticos en México y América Latina). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 68 (237): 9-18, 2019.


“Historical Challenges, Complex Pasts and Uncertain Presents” (Desafíos históricos, pasados complejos, presentes inciertos). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 69 (238): 9-18, 2020.


The Territories of Collective Social Action: Social Movements, Human Rights and Democracy” (Los territorios de la acción social colectiva: movimientos sociales, derechos humanos y democracia). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 70 (239): 15-23, 2020.


“Woman and Gender in the Twenty-first Century. Perspectives, Implications and Dilemmas” (Mujer y género en el siglo XXI. Perspectivas, implicaciones y dilemas). Editorial Essay. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 71 (240): 9-24, 2020.



Articles, Reviews, Prologues, Documents


“El terrorismo hoy”, in extenso, American Jewish Committee. 2008.


“Humanismo, derecho y diplomacia. México frente a la partición de Palestina”, Suplemento 60 Aniversario de la independencia de Israel, Reforma, 7 de mayo de 2008.


“A la luz/sombra de la singularidad del Holocausto”, en Suplemento Especial 60 años de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, CNDH-Tribuna Israelita, Reforma, México, 2008.


“Los Derechos Humanos Hoy”, XIV Aniversario de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del D.F., 2007.


“Paradigmas de la Memoria”, www.lapaginadebetobuzali.com, octubre 2007.


“Cuando la Memoria es proyecto”, www.lapaginadebetobuzali.com, noviembre de 2007.


“Pensar en Sor Juana”, Revista de la Universidad de México, N.41, julio 2007, pp 98-100.


“Times of Transition” con Sergio DellaPergola, SPME-YNET, junio 2007.


“Los retos de la Democracia Hoy: Estado de Derecho, Ciudadanía y Derechos Humanos” (Democracy’s Challenges Today: State of Law, Citizenship and Human Rights) DFensor, Comisión de Derechos Humanos del DF, número 6, año IV, junio de 2006.


“Tiempos de guerra de nuevo” (Times of War), Enfoque, Reforma, 14 de agosto de 2006.


“La convivencia en la diversidad ¿afecta la continuidad de una comunidad judía?” (Does Diversity Affect the Continuity of  Jewish Communities?), www.encuentro-jdcla.org 

“El antisemitismo y su recurrencia en la historia” (Antisemitism in History), en Maguen David, México, Primera parte: N.74, enero 2004; Segunda parte: No.75,

(Presentación a la Sección “Vislumbres de espejos”, (A Century of Wars) en Un Siglo de Guerra, Universidad de México, UNAM, Nº 625-626, agosto de 2003, pp. 80-83.


“Recreando comunidades: procesos de cambio y transformación desde el liderazgo” (Redisigning Communities: Changing Processes and Leadership), www.encuentro-jdcla.org, 2003.


“Transformaciones del poder” (Power’s Transformation) con Rafael Segovia, Alberto Aziz Nassif en José Gutiérrez Vivó (Coordinador), El Mexicano y su Siglo, Océano, 1999.


(Prefacio al libro de César Cancino, Historia de las ideas políticas. Fundamentos filosóficos y dilemas metodológicos (Prologue to, Cesar Cancino’s History of Political Ideas). Mexico: CEPCOM, 1998.


“El exilio argentino y las ciencias sociales en México” (Argentinian Exile and its Contribution to the Social Sciences in Mexico), en Entre Mate y Mate la Revista Argentina, año 1 No. 8, México, mayo de 1998.


(Presentación de la Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Reflections on The Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Politicas) División de Estudios de Posgrado, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales UNAM, Nº 168, abril-junio de 1997.


“El Posgrado en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales”, en Enlaces, Boletín de la Coordinación de Humanidades, tres partes: primera: No. 16, segunda No.17, tercera, No. 18 (enero-febrero de 1997).


“Modernización, modernidad y postmodernidad. Introducción” (Modernization, Modernity and Posmodernity), en García Viveros, M y Pulido, A., Comp., Humanismo. Mujer, Familia y Sociedad, VII Simposio Internacional, México, Soc. Int. Pro-Valores E. Fromm-Zubirán, El Colegio de México, 1996, pp. 247-252.


“El placer del aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales” (The Pleasure of Learning Social Sciences). Políticas (159), 1995.


“¿Tiene México futuro sin la ciencia? (Does Mexico have a Future Without Science). Excelsior, Sección Ideas, April 21, 1995.


“Identidad nacional y políticas migratorias. El encuentro con el grupo judío” (National Identity and Migration Policies). La Jornada Semanal, February 7, pp. 29-36.


“Conversación con Claus Offe” (Conversations with Clauss Offe) (held with Francisco Galván and Rafael Farfán). Sociológica, 8 (22): 251-267, 1993.


“El judaísmo en México” (Judaism in Mexico). Revista América, España, 1991.


“Humor, sencillez y profundidad en Tiempo de Vivir de Marcelo Rittner” (Humor, Simplicty and In-depth Thought in Rabbi Marcelo Rtner’s book- Time of Live). Kol Bet-El, September-November 1989.


“Vuelve el tango a la Argentina” (The Tango comes back to Argentina). Los Universitarios. Mexico: UNAM, September 1979, pp. 1-9.






“Israel: un proyecto en la historia; un proyecto hecho historia”, (Israel: Project; History) 2009.


“Del legado del autoritarismo a los retos de la democracia hoy” (From the Legacy of Authoritarism to Democracy), Luis Roniger y Mario Sznajder El legado de las Violaciones de los Derechos Humanos en el Cono Sur, Buenos Aires, Ediciones Al Margen, 2005, Dfensor, 2006.


“Educación, Democracia y Ciudadanía” (Education, Democracy and Citizenship) Gloria Ramírez, La Educación Ciudadana en México, México, Cátedra UNESCO de Derechos Humanos, 2005


“El pensamiento y, acaso la palabra” (Thoughts and, maybe, words) Beatriz Paredes Acaso la Palabra, México, Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2005 (en prensa)


“Problemas vigentes, temas contemporáneos” (Current Problems, Contemporary Subjects), Fernando Pérez Correa. Temas del Federalismo ¿De la descentralización a la fragmentación?, UNAM, 2003.


Paulette Dieterlen, La Pobreza. Un estudio filosófico,(Poverty. A philosophical Study) México: FCE, 2003.


“Reflexiones en torno a un siglo complejo” (Thinking  a Complex century) Angelina Muñiz El Siglo del Desencanto, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2002.


“Ética y diversidad en los  tiempos de la globalización” (Ethics and Diversity in Times of Globalization) Norbert Bilbeny Por una Causa Común. Ética para la Diversidad, Barcelona, Gedisa, 2002, UNAM, Revista Mexicana de Ciencia Política, Nº 187.


“Cuando el rescate del pasado es futuro; cuando la memoria es proyecto” (When the Recovery of the Past becomes Future). Reseña a Revista Blanco Móvil, N. 84, octubre 2001, Número dedicado a la poesía Yidish (prensa comunitaria)


“Reflexiones sobre la laicidad” (Reflections on Laicism) Roberto Blancarte, Laicidad y valores en un Estado democrático, México, Colmex, 2000, en RMCP, N.


“De encuentros humanos y de diálogos entre culturas” (On Dialogue Among Cultures). Ikram Antaki El Espíritu de Córdoba, México, Planeta, 1994. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, No. 167, enero-marzo de 1997, pp. 263-269.


Journal of Social Research. An International Quarterly of the Social Sciences, Arien Mack, editor, Nueva York, New School for Social Research, Vol 62, Nº4, invierno de 1995, en Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, FCPYS, UNAM, No. 166, octubre-diciembre, 1996, pp. 213-220.


“Cultura e identidad Nacional” (Culture and National Identity) Roberto Blancarte’s. Cultura e identidad nacional, México, FCE, 1994. In Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Nº 165, DEP, FCPYS, julio-sept. 1996, pp. 221-226.


Haim Avni, Judíos en América, Madrid, Editorial Mapfre, 1992, 328 p. en La Jornada Semanal, febrero de 1994.




Headed 27 projects and research groups.


1973-1975: Mexican Political System and the Working Class, Institutional Research Project, Center for Political Studies, UNAM.


1987-1990: Socio-Political Movements, Organization and Institutionalization Processes. Center for Political Studies, UNAM.


1996-1998: The Challenges of Modernity: Otherness and Tolerance. Institutional Research Project. Graduate School, UNAM.


2001-2002: Identity and Community. Jewish Life in Latin America. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


1999-2001: Social Sciences Facing the 21st Century: Changing Frontiers. Institutional Research Project, UNAM.


2005-2008: Globalization, Democracy and Diversity: Collective Identities and Citizenship.  Conacyt.


2004-2006: Jewish Communities in Latin America, UNAM.


2007- : Contemporary Jewish Peoplehood (Klal Yisrael), Tel Aviv University.


2009-2010: Contesting Liberal Citizenship: New Debates and Alternative Forms of Democracy and State Power in Latin America. The Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


2009- : Building a new institutionality for the Social Sciences. Institutional Research Project, UNAM.


2010: Institutional Project: Building a new Institutionality for the Social Sciences” , Graduate Porgrams.


2010-2014: International Rsearch Project: Latin American Jews in a Transnational World. Redefining experience and identities on four continents. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Sergio DellaPergola and Leonardo Senkman

2011-: Institutional Research Project: Specialization In Public Ethics” Programa de Apoyo a los Estudios de Posgrado, UNAM, Coordinación de Estudios de Posgrado.


2011-2013: International Research Project. The Latin American Jewsih Educator in a Transantional World. Israel, México, Argentina. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with Sergio DellaPergola, Leonardo Senkman, Yois Goldstein.


2012: Institutional Reserch Project: “Globalización, internacionalización y fortalecimiento de las ciencias sociales” (Globalization and internationalization of the Social Sciences) Graduate Studies Program, Unam-CONACYT.


2011-2014: Latin American Jews in a Transnational World. Redefining experiences and identites in the United States, UNAM





·       Member of the Academic Board, International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, under the auspices of the Presidency of Israel, 1983-1996.


·       Member of the Board, International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, since 1997.


·       Member of the Board, Jewish People Policy Institute, Jerusalem, since 2002.


·       Member of the Edelstein Center for Social Research, Sao Paulo University, since 2006.


·       Member of the Academic Council, Center for the Study of Religions, CEREM, Mexico.


·       Member of the Academic Committee, Latin American Jewish Studies Association, 2000- 2010


·       Member of the Board, Hadassa Brandeis Institute, 2007.


·       Member of the Academic Committee of the Association for the Social Scientific Study of Judaism, since 2007.


·       Vice-president of the Academic Committee of the Association for the Social Scientific Study of Judaism,




Professional and Advisory Committees


·       Member of the Advisory Committee, Tribuna Israelita, since1994.


·       Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Social Sciences, National Council of Research and Technology (Conacyt), 1996-1998.


·       Member of the Advisory Committee, General Direction of the Historical Archive and Library of the Matias Romero Institute, Foreign Affairs Ministry of Mexico, 1998-2000.


·       Evaluation Committee, Conacyt, since 1996. 

·       Member of the Academic Board, Instituto José María Luis Mora, 2001-2005.  

·       Member of the Board, Cultural Institute Mexico-Israel, since 2001.  

·       Member of the Academic Board of the Institute for Public Policy of the Jewish People, Jerusalem, since 2002.


·       Member of the Historical Museum “Tuvie Maizel”, Mexico, 2003-2011.

·       Member of the Board of the Institute of Cultural Relations Mexico-Israel, since 2010.

·       Memebr of the Commission for Human Rights of Mexico, 2002-2008.

·       Member of the Academic Committee of the Seminar on Cultures of the Middle East, UNAM, 2016.


·       Member of the Editorial Council of Scientific Publictions, UNAM-CONACYT, 2016.

·       Member of the Academic Advisory Committee to the project “Informed Vote”, Conapred-UNAM, 2017

·       Member of the Sceintifci of CALA- research project Universidad de Guadalajara- Germany. 


Editorial Committees

·       Revista Mexicana de Ciencia Política (Mexican Journal of Political Science), 1993-1996.

·       Revista sobre Religiones y Sociedad (Journal on Religions and Society), Mexico, 1998-2003.

·       Research Series: Seminar of Higher Education, since 2004.

·       Metapolítica, since 1996.

·       Revista de Estudios sobre Genocidio (Studies on Genocide), since 2007.

·       Revista Iberoamericana Global, Jerusalem.


·       Latin American Research Review, since 2010.

·       Hagira-Israel Journal of Migration, since 2012.


·       Socio , Maison des Sciences de L´Homme, since 2012.

·       Scientific Advisory Board of the Handbook of Israel: The Major Debates, since 2013.

·       Series Jews in Society, Springer, since 2011.

·       Journal Violence, Maison des Sciences de L’Homme.



Scientific Committees and Associations


·       Academic Board of Colegio Nacional de Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública, since 1997.

·       World Union of Jewish Studies, since 1984.

·       Board of Latin American Studies Association, since 1985.

·       Member of the Academia Mexicana de la Ciencia (Mexican Academy of Science), since 1998 (2008-2012: Admission Committee)

·       Member of the Steering Committee of the Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación (Conapred) (National Cuncil to Prevent Discrimination), 2008-2014.


Awards and Recognitions

Academic Merit, UNAM, 1996; 2005; for outstanding teaching and research contributions.


Academic of the Year, Instituto Cultural México-Israel 1999.




Raúl Cardiel Reyes to Academic Merit in Political Science, 2004.



Award Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, UNAM, 2007.



Fisher Prize in Education, Jerusalem, 2008.



Academic Merit, UNAM 2011.




Life Achievemnt Award, Journal of the Study in Anti-Semitism, 2014.



National University Research in Social Sciences Prize, 2015.



Marshall Sklare Award, 2017.









Colloquium: Ruling Classes in Mexico; Center for Political Studies; Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)



Paper: Mexico’s Working Class.







Research Colloquium: Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM.



Paper: Workers and the Mexican State.







Seminar: Recovering Political Theory; Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales; Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Mexico.



Paper: Political Theory or History of Political Ideas.







Colloquium: Herbert Marcuse and Critical Theory, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM.CPyS, UNAM.



Paper: From Critical Theory to Political Theory.







Simposium: State of the Art and Perspectives of Political Theory, General Dierction of Academic Research Projects, UNAM:



Paper: Teaching Political Science.







World Congress of Political Science “Democracy in the Modern World”, Mexican Association of Political Science, Mexico, January.



Paper: Democracy and Politics.




International Colloquium on Contemporary Jewry, Institute of Contemporary Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, July.



Paper: The Disciplinary Approach of Political Science in the Field of Contemporary Jewry.







International Conference “Jewish Studies in the Framework of University Programs”, International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization (Jerusalem), Buenos Aires, June.



Paper: The Mexican Jewish Studies Program.



Colloquium: 1984: Utopia and Anti-Utopia, Political and Social Science Faculty, September.



Paper: Prefiguring Terror.







9th World Congress of Jewish Studies, World Union of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, August.



Paper: Zionism and the Mexican Jewish Community.




International Colloquium, International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Jerusalem, July.



Paper: Teaching Jewish Emancipation from the Political Science perspective.



Plenary session: Objectivity and Ideology in Jewish Studies.




International Workshop on Jewish Studies in Latin America, International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Jerusalem, July



Paper: Teaching Jewish National Movements.



Paper: Teaching Contemporary Jewry: the Mexican Experience.




Second Research Colloquium, Center of Social Theory, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, October.



Paper: Ideology, Social Movements and Institutions.







International Conference “Zionism and its Opponents”, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December



Paper: Zionism and its opponents on the left: The Mexican case.




International Seminar “Jewish Education in the Diaspora”, Study Circle of the Presidency of Israel, Jerusalem, January.



Paper: Contemporary Jewry: Teaching and Research.







Simposium “The Jewish Presence in Mexico”, UNAM, Tribuna Israelita, May.



Paper: Social Integration and Models of Identification.




III Research Colloquium, Center for Social Theory, UNAM; June.



Paper: Political Movements, Organization and Institutionalization: The Zionist Movement.



Discussant: West-East in Political Thought.




International Seminar on Contemporary Jewry; International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Jerusalem, June.







V International Research Congress on Latina-American Judaism, Latin American Jewish Studies Association, Buenos Aires, August.



Paper: The Origins of Zionism in Mexico.




I Encounter of Oral Historians in Latin America and Spain, Institute Mora, Mexico, September.



Paper: Recovering Identity: Methodological Considerations on the Research of Latin American Jews.



IV Research Colloquium, Center for Social Theory, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM, September.



Paper: Jews in Mexico: Encounter and Interactions with Society.







Seminar” History, Identity and Crisis of the Social Sciences in Mexico”, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Center for Political Studies, UNAM, January.



Paper: Political Science Today.




Colloquium “Political and Cultural Life in the Mexican Thirties”, UNAM, February.



Paper: Jews in Mexico during the Thirties.




X World Jewish Studies Congress, World Union of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, August.



Paper: The Zionist Movement and the Mexican Government Facing the Partition of Palestine.





Sixth Conference of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association, Latin American Studies Center, University of Maryland, Washington, October.



Paper: Identity and National Integration: Mexico vis-à-vis Jewish Immigration.





Colloquium “National Identity Facing The Third Millenium”, Metropolitan University, Mexico, March.



Paper: Identities and Pluralism.





International Simposium on Jewish Education, Council for Jewis h Education, Mexico, February.



Paper: Mexican-Jewish Identity and Bicultural Institutions.




XI World Congress of Jewish Studies, World Union of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, July



Paper: Sources of Legitimacy: The Jewish Presence in Mexico 1975-1993.




Colloquium “Religion in Mexico. Trends and Changes Facing the 21st Century”, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales,



Paper: Judaism at the Turning of the Century




Colloquium “¿Aguila o Sol? History of the Migratory Experiences in Mexico, 19th and 20th Century” National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), September



Paper: Foreigner in Mexico. Comments on Moisés González Navarro’s work.




International Simposium “The German Speaking Exile in Mexico”, Research Institute on German-Mexican Culture, UNAM, Goethe Institute, November.



Paper: On Exiles, Migrations and Cultural Encounters.




International Seminar “The Pace Process in the Middle East”, Tel Aviv University,  November.



Paper: Political and Cultural Aspects of the Peace Process




VII International Simposium on Humanism and the Elderly, National Nutrition Institute Salvador Zubirán, University of Grenoble, March.



Paper: The Elderly in the Jewish Culture







Colloquium “The Future of Science in Mexico and the Project of a Nation”, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Xochimilco, April.



Paper: Scientific Policies and the National Project.




Conference on Jewish Communities in Latin America, Latin-American Jewish Congress, Central Committee of Mexico, Mexico, November.



Paper: The Faces of anti-Semitism in Latin America.




International Colloquium “Karl Popper”, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM, November.



Paper: Popper and Political Theory.




International Conference “The Six-Day War and its Impact on Communal Dynamics in the Diaspora”, Jerusalem, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December.



Paper: The Impact of the Six Day War on the Mexican Jewish Community.





VIII International Simposium “Humanism: Women, Family and Society”, The National Nutrition Institute, El Colegio de México, March.



Paper: Modernity, Modernization and Post-modernity.




XVII International Congress on History of Religions, Mexico, August.



Paper: Ethics and Diversity: Old Issues and New Challenges.




Seminar “Combating Racism” National Commission of Human Rights, Mexican Academy of Human Rights, Tribuna Israelita, September



Paper: The Faces of Racism and anti-Semitism.




8th International Research Conference of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association Mexico City, November



Paper: Exile and Otherness. Jewish Refugees: History and Memory.




VI Lascanian Seminar “The Question of Racism on the Threshold of the 21st Century”, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM, May



Paper: Racism Today.







National Congress of Political Science, National Association of Political Science, Mexico, September,



Member of the Academic Committee



Paper: Political Science Today.



Chair of the panel: State of the Art: Proposals, Conclusions




XI National Congress of Graduate Studies “The Contribution of Graduate Studies to National Development”, University of Colima, October



Paper: Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences. Figures and Realities.



Forum on Culture and Democracy in Latin America, Center of Latin American Studies, University of Maryland and the Department of Cultural Affairs, Organization of American States (OEA), Washington, December



Papers: The Dualities of Modernity







Colloquium of Contemporary Jewish Studies, Universidad Iberoamericana; The international Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, March



Paper: Jewish Studies in Mexico.




International Seminar “Questions Facing the Processes of Globalization and Change: Integration or Transformation of Social Knowledge?”, School of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM, March.



Comments to the paper delivered by Beat Sitter-Liver: “Unity in Diversity”




International Postgraduate Colloquium “Thinking the 21st Century: from Sarajevo to Sarajevo (1917-1997)”, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM, April.



Organizer of the Colloquium



Chair of the Panel: “Antinomies of the 20th Century”




Research Seminar “Regimes of Our Times – Democratization, Patterns of Political Change and Transformations of Citizenship”, FLACSO, May.



Paper: The Subjects of Politics within Democracy and Authoritarianism.




XII National Congress of Graduate Studies “Alternatives Models of Graduate Programs”, San Luis Potosí, November



Paper: Towards a New Model of Social Sciences Graduate Program.




Colloquium “The Argentine Exile in Mexico” XI Guadalajara Book Fair, December.



Paper: The Argentine Exile and its contribution to Social Sciences in Mexico.




First International research Conference on Jewish Woman; Brandeis University, Boston, December.



Paper: Between Tradition and Modernity: The Jewish Woman in Mexico.







First Jewish-Latin American Cultural Congress “Retrospective Views and Contemporary Dimensions”, Confederation of Israeli Association of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, March.



Paper: Encounters and Otherness: the Changing Dynamics of Jewish Life and Culture in Latin America.




International Seminar “The Lexicon of Politics: Concepts and Categories of the Social Sciences within an Intercultural Dialogue”, FLACSO, June.



Paper: Citizenship.




Seminar “The Merchant of Venice. The Jew, the Villain of the Story”, Pedagogical University and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June.



Paper: The Jew, the Villain.




International Seminar “Cultural Heritage of the Polish-Jewish People”, Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, Ashkenazí Center for Documentation and Research, Polish Embassy, July.



Paper: On Migrations, Encounters and Otherness.




Second National Congress of Political Science, National College of Political Science and Public Administration,  October.



Paper and Chair of the panel: An Agenda for Research and Teaching in Political Science.

Colloquium on Human Rights, UNAM, United Nations, Commission of Human Rights, October.



Member of the Organizing Committee



Paper: Human Rights at the End of the Millennium, Lights and Shades.




International Congress “The State of Israel: 50 years”, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December.



Paper: The Relationships Israel-Diaspora. A Latin American View.




Tenth International Research Conference of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association,” Migrations, Borders and Displacement: The Jewish Diaspora in Latin America”, Princeton University, March.



Paper: On Borders and Encounters. The Jewish Community in Mexico facing New Challenges.







First National Congress of Social Sciences, Mexican Council of Social Sciences, Mexico, April.



Paper: Political Science Today: The State of the Art.




XXIV Spring International Colloquium “Cultural Diversity, Economy and Politics in a Global World”, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences-UNAM, National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), et al, April.



Paper: Globalization, Collective Identities and Citizenship.




International Congress on Hebrew Language and Literature (NAPH), UNAM, Hebrew University, Mexico, June.



Opening Paper: Cultural Encounters and Otherness. The Jewish-Mexican Cultural Realm.




5th International Congress: Economic Issues and Globalization. International Society for Intercommunication of New Ideas, México, August



Opening Remarks: Globalization and Knowledge.




First International Congress of Latin American Experts on United States-Canada Studies, Centro de Investigación sobre América del Norte- Mexico, November.



Chair of the panel: Politics, Economy and Society. The United States Facing Global Restructuring Processes.




Colloquium “An Agenda for the Year 2000. Dialogues with the University of Essex”, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, November.



Discussant of the paper “Beyond the Impasse of Development Sociology” (Jane Handley)




International Colloquium “The Agricultural Reform and Development in the 21st Century”, Secretary of Agricultural Reform, Puebla, November-December.



Chair and discussant of the panel: Public Policies of Redistribution in the New Global Context.








7th Meeting Latin American Jewish  Communities, Joint, March.



Paper: The Transmission of the Jewish Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century.




The President’s Conference on Jewish Culture and Identity In the 21st Century, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May.



Paper: Living with Multiple Identities.



International Seminar “Foreign Policies of the United States, Canada and Mexico on the Threshold of the 21st Century”, CISAN, UNAM, August.



Introductory Remarks and Chair of the panel “Multilateral Diplomacies”.



XIV National Congress of Postgraduate Studies “Postgraduate Studies in the 21st Centuries”, UNAM, IPN, UAM.



Paper: Of Disciplinary Convergences and Institutional Interactions.




First World Congress of Non Formal Jewish Education, Jewish Agency, Israel, Dead Sea, September.



Key Note Speaker: Globalization and Jewish Identity.




VII Annual Congress of The Mexican Association for Canadian Studies “Mexico and Canada: Democracy, Human and Sustainable Development in the Third Millennium”, October.



Paper: Reflections on Democracy




International Seminar “Citizenship, Identities and Multiculturalism”, FLACSO, UNAM, October.



Paper: Citizenship and Identity




Colloquium “Tradition of Asylum and Refuge in Mexico”, UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, COMES, November.



Paper: The European Refugees in Mexico: Jews between Exile and Migration.




Colloquium “Public Power and  Public Ethics”, School of Law, UNAM, November.



Paper: Political Power and Public Ethics




Seminar “The New Horizon of the Mexican Government. Public Policy and Entrepreneurial Administration”, Project PAPPIT Proffesionalization of Public Service in Mexico., December.



Paper: New Agents of the Public Space.







Latino-Jewish Leadership Summit, organized by Bnai Brith International, New American Alliance, Washington, March.



Paper: Jews in Latin America.




Colloquium “Social Sciences facing the 21st Centruy”, Graduate Studies School, February.



Introductory remarks and chair of the panel.




International Seminar on Tolerance, National Commission of Human Rights, Mexico, April.



Paper: Recurrences and Changes in History: Racism and Antisemitism.




Colloquium “Ateologies: Hints of Laicism, Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis”, July.



Paper: Judaism, Modernity and Secularization,




XIII World Congress of Jewish Studies, World Union of Jewish Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, August.



Paper: The Changing Role of Israel in the Jewish Community in Mexico. Globalization and decentralization.



Chair of the panel: Diplomacy, Politics and anti-Semitism in Latin America.




XXVI International Conference “Current Interpretations of Religions”, International Society of Sociology of Religions, Ixtapan de la Sal, August.



Paper: Globalization and Collective Identities.




Forum “Social Sciences, University and Society. Selected Topics for n Graduate Studies Agenda” UNAM, Graduate Program in Political and Social Sciences, August.



Paper: On Borders and Interactions. The Place of Graduate Studies in the Development of the Social Sciences.




International Colloquium on Social Exclusion, UNAM, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Center for Basic Studies in Social Theory, September.



Paper: The two faces of individuality: inclusion and exclusion.




International Colloquium “The New Challenges of Globalization”, UIA, Center for Comparative Politics, October.



Paper: Beyond the Clash of Civilizations?




Colloquium “Xenophobia and Xenophilia in the History of Mexico. 19th and 20th Centuries”.  Honoring Moisés González Navarro, Direction of Historical Studies, National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), November.



Paper: Mexico in the 30’s: Cardenism, Immigration and anti-Semitism.







International Seminar “The Challenges of Laicism and Secularization in Today’s World” El Colegio de México, CONACYT, Mac Arthur Foundation, February.



Paper: Processes of De-secularization Today




International Meeting of Directors of Hebrew Colleges of North America,.



Department of Jewish Education, Jewish Agency in Israel, Mexico, March



Key Note Speaker: Topics for a Jewish Agenda in the Globalization Era.




XXVII International Spring Colloquium “A World in Chaos? Between Governance and New Hegemonies, School of Political and Social Sciences, May.



Paper: Between Civilizations and Politics: The Middle-East after 9/11




VI International Seminar on anti-Semitism, Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Racism and anti-Semitism , University of Tel Aviv, September-October.



Paper: Laws against Discrimination and anti-Semitism. The Mexican case




International Conference “Mexico: Land of Exiles”, University of Chicago, October.



Paper: Culture, Integration and Memory of the Jewish Exile in Mexico.




XVI National Congress of Graduate Studies, Mexican Council of Postgraduate Studies, Morelia, October.



Paper: Globalization Processes and Knowledge: the Challenges and Strategic responses of the UNAM Graduate Program in Political and Social Sciences.




Study Circle of the Presidency of Israel, Jerusalem, October.



Paper: Latin American Judaism Today.




Seminar “Diversity and Multiculturalism. Pesrpectives and Challenges”, UNAM, El Colegio de México-Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, November.



Paper: Diversity. Between Pluralism and Multiculturalism







International Colloquium “Mestizaje and Racism”, UNAM, February.



Paper: National Identity, Mestizaje and anti-Semitism




International Seminar on Higher Education in Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations, Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UIA, UNAM, May.



Chair of the panel on Minority Rights




International Seminar for Educators in Latin America, Universidad Hebraica, Mexico, May-June.



Key Note Speaker: Educational Challenges for the Latin American Jewish Communities




International Seminar “Hemispheric Human Security and Global Insecurity”, UNAM, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, September.



Paper and Chair of the panel “Human Security in the Agendas of International and Hemispheric Security”.




XVII National Congress of Graduate Studies, UNAM, October.



Paper: Boundaries of Knowledge and Disciplinary Convergences




First Congress of Methodologies for Political Research, UNAM, Center for Political Studies, November.



Paper: The Construction of the Political Realm: New Challenges.







International Beatty Memorial Chair, McGill University, Canada, April.



Paper: Collective Identities in a Globalized World



Paper: Challenging present of Latin American Jewish communities.




International Research Conference of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association, Dartmouth College, June.



Paper: Contested Identity Building: Zionism in Mexico between the Future and the Past”




Latin American Meeting of Jewish Educators, Universidad Hebraica, Jewish Agency, Mexico, September.



Paper: Transformations and Challenges of the Jewish Communities in Latin America




Second Latinamerican Congress of Political Science, ALACIP, Mexico, September-October.



Paper: Diversity and Pluralism.




International Colloquium “History and Memory”, CEICH, UNAM, Mexico, November.



Paper: Times of Identity: Between History and Memory.




International Colloquium “Identity, (In)Tolerance, Political Irony and Historical Poetic in Heinrich Heine”, UNAM, November.



Paper presented in collaboration with Felipe Pozo: Jewish Identity and Modernity in Heinrich Heine.




International Seminar “Civil Society, Democracy and Human Rights”, UNAM, UNESCO Chair of Human Rights, Mexico City Commission of Human Rights, November-December.



Paper: Civil Society and Democracy facing Human Rights




Seminar “Sociology, Modernity and Conceptual Change”, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Center for Social Theory, November.



Paper: The Concept of Stranger and the Tragedy of culture




International Seminar “Arabs and Jews in Latin America”, Ford Foundation, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, December.



Paper:  Semites in the Mexican Public Realm







International Seminar “Jews and Jewish Identity in Latin America”, The Israeli Historical Society and the Dinur Research Center on Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, January.



Paper: National Identity and Collective Belonging in Latin America: the Jewish Community in Mexico.




First Congress on Research in Faculties and Schools, Secretary of Institutional Development, Council of Directors, UNA;



Paper: Research in the Framework of the Graduate Program in Political and Social Sciences: Actual and Potential Achievements.




International Meeting of the Amitei Yerushalaim Program, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mexico, March.



Key Note Speaker: Jewish Communities in Latin America: social integration and legitimacy processes




International Seminar “The Public Sphere in Latin America”, Wake Forest University, North Carolina, April



Paper: Democratization, Diversity and the Public Sphere: Mexico and some comparative notes.




International Conference “Le Deficit du Politique”, Ecole Des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Chateau de Chatenay, Francia, May.



Paper: “Le déficit du politique: Mexico in/and Latin America”.




XXX International Spring Colloquium “Evaluation and perspectives of International Relations” UNAM, FCPYS, May.



Paper: World Globalization and Regionalization: the Peace Process in the Middle-East.




4th Permanent Discussion Seminar on Cientific, Technologic and Innovation Policies, Scientific and Technological Advisory Forum, Mexico, June.



Paper: Approaches for University Education of Social Scientists




V Research Colloquium of the Mora Institute “Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approaches in the Social Sciences”, Instituto Mora, June



Paper: Social Sciences Today: crossing disciplinary boundaries




International Colloquium Klal Israel-”Jewish Identities in an Era of Globalization and Multiculturalism”, Te Aviv University, UNAM, September.



Paper: Globalization and Latin American Jewish Identities.




International Seminar of the Center for Sociological Intervention, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, November.



Conference: Democratie, Mondialization et Diversité Culturelle.




International Chair Distribuendum, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, November.



Paper: Diversity and Pluralism.







Seminar on Democracy, Tolerance and Pluralism, Facyulty of Political and Social Sciences, Mexico, March



Paper: Discrimination, Culture and Society. Ethno-religious Identities between Discourse and Practice.




World Rabbinic Assembly of the Conservatory Movement, Mexico, March.



Key Note Speaker: A Unique Reality: the Jews of Latin America.




Seminar “Political Participation and Diversity” organized by the Center for Political Studies in the framework of the Research Project “Right of Difference and Political Participation”, May.



Paper: Cultural Pluralism and Democracy.




International Colloquium “Social Policies in Big Cities”, IPN, Government of Mexico City, April.



Paper: State and Civil Society Facing Education Challenges.




International Workshop on the Social Sciences in Developing Countries, organized by the International Social Research Council,  UNESCO,  Paris, July.



Paper: Social Sciences in Mexico Today: Trends and Challenges.




International Seminar “Institutions and Processes of the Mexican Democracy”, organized by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, the Federal Electoral Court and the United Nations Program for Development, June



Introductory Speech: Electoral Justice




52nd World Congress of Americanists, Sevilla, Spain, July.



Coordinator of the Simposium MOV 21 “The Latinamerican Jews facing Continental Trends Towards Pluralism in the Era of Globalization”.



Paper: Public Space, Citizenship and Identity in the Globalization Era: Contemporary Transformations of the Jewish Community in Mexico.




Seminar “Social Space and Self-Organized Emergent Systems in Mexico”, Mexican Association of Communication Research, UNAM, October.



Discussant: Social Spaces, and Pluralism.







Simposium in Honor of Pablo Gonzalez Casanova, UNAM, February



Paper: Social Knowledge and its Institutionalization Pattern.




International Conference, “Jewish Identities, Nationalism and Ethnicity”,



Maimonides University-Tel Aviv University, Moscow, April



Paper: Being Latin American Jew Today: Between Ethnicity and Nationalism.




International Congress “Arabs and Jews in Latin America”, Tel Aviv University,






Paper: Collective Identities in the Public Sphere: Jews and Arabs in Mexico.




Albert & Liese Eckstein Scholar in Residence, Arizona State University, March.



Latin America Jewish Communities & Their Present Challenges.




National Conference on Prejudice and Genocida. C Conferencia Internacional de Investigación de Albert & Liese Eckstein Scholar in Residence, Arizona State University.



Keynote Lecture: Latin America Jewish Communities & Their Present Challenges



Contemporary Thought on the Shoah. Hebraic University. March.



Paper: Shoa and Modernity. 




Simposium of the International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization and Chais Center for Jewish Studies in Russian. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June. Paper: Fulfilling Our Mission in a Changing World. A Latin American Perspective.




International Conference on the Future of the Jewish People 2007, The Jewish People Policy Planing Institute, Jerusalem, July.




XIII International Research Conference of the Latin American Jewsih Studies Association, Buenos Aires, July.




Paper at the Opening Plenary Session:



Teaching and Research of Latin American Jewry. Relfections on the 40 Anniversary of the Latin American Division at the Herman Contemporary Jewry Institute, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.




Plenary Session: Regional Comditions: Convergences and Divergences; Reality and Representations.



Paper: Des-centered Diasporas? Rethinking the model of relation between Israel and Latin American Jewsih Communities.




Coloquium Diversity and  Multiculturalism, UNAM, Iberoamericana University, August.



Paper: New Debates on Multiculturalism.




International Conference: The Social Sciences. Their Future and Challenges. Mexico, Institute of Social Research, August.



Paper: Disciplinary Frontiers and Overlapping.




International Workshop Transnational Diasporas in Comparative Perspective. Tel Aviv University, September.



Paper: Transnational Latin-American Jews.




Simposium on Transdiciplinary Research, UNAM, October.



Paper: Diversity, National Culture and democracy in the Times of Globalization.







International Research Conference. Latin American Jewry en a World in Transition; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.



Paper:”Four Decades of Reconfigurations: The Making of Latin American Jewry”.




Conference: Faces of Francophony,  Coloquio Universitario Rostros de la Francofonía, UNAM, Mexico, March.



Paper: Collective Identities Today.




Second LAJSA NYC Symposium, The CUNY Graduate Center, New York, March



Paper: “Intercepting and Overlapping of Axes: Definig the Field of Study of Latin American Jewry”.




International Conference Facing Tomorrow, Jerusalem,



Presidency of Israel. May



Session: Judaism as a Civilization.




Latin American Colloquium, Buenos Aires University-UNAM, May-



Paper: Argentine Exile and the Social Sciences.




International Seminar Judaism as Civilization, Bronfman Forum, USA, JUne.



Paper: “Jewish Civilization Today. A World of Identities”




70 Annual Meeting, Association for the Sociology of Religion, Religion Crossing Boundaries,  Boston, July.



Papers: Redefining Boundaries: New Identity’s Referents and Institutional Borders. The Mexican Case.




International Conference: Syrian Jews and theri Disporas. Universidad Iberoamericana. México, Septiembre.



Paper;: Jews and Lebanese in Mexico. Changing Dynamics.




International Seminar on Jewsih Identities, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, October.



Conference: Jewish Identities in Latin America.




International Seminar on State and Citizenship. Méxcio, FLACSO-UACM-UNAM, November.



Key Note Conference: Citizenship and Democracy Today. New Challenges.




Congress of Association of Jewsih Studies, Washington, December.



Paper: Latin American Jews as a Transnational Diaspora.







Research Conference: Theoretical Debates, Natinonal Council for Science and Technology, March.



Session: Itineraries, institutions and social sciences”




International Workshop: Contesting Liberal Citizenship, Institute for Advanced Studies. Jerusalem, July.



Paper: Being National; Being Transantional. Latin American Jews Today.




Research Conference: Latin American Jewish Studies Association, Tel Aviv University, July.



Paper: Latin American Jews: a transnational Diaspora.




International Conference of the International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization and the Chais Center for Jewish Studies in Russian, April.



Paper: Jewish Studies in Times of Crisis.




Joint International Research Workshop of the Institute for Advanced Studies and the Israel Science Foundation on Contesting Liberal Citizenship: New Debates on Alternative Forms of Democracy and State Power in Latin America, Jerusalem, July 6-9.



Paper: Being National, Being Transnational: Constructive Ambivalences and Perplexities in Times of Change.




The Israeli Presidential Conference 2009. Facing Tomorrow, Israel, October 20-22 Paper: Is “Jewish continuity” just a slogan?




XIV International Research Conference of LAJSA: Latin American Jewish Experiences trough Plural Lenses, Universidad de Tel Aviv, July 26-28.



Paper: Commective Identities in teh Public Sphere: Jews and Lebanese in Mexico.




XV World Congress of Jewish Studies. Israel, August 2-6.



Paper: Jewish Life and Transantionalism. Redefining Social and Conceptual Frontiers.




Colloquium: Secularism and the Mexican State.UNAM, October 15-16.



Paper: Secularisms, Education and Politics.




International Colloquium: On History. In Hommage of Adolfo Gilly. November 16-19. Paper: Subaltern Civilizations. Experiences, Cultures and Rebelions.




International Conference l The Global Economic crisis and its Consequences: Latin America in a Comparative perspective, Jerusalem, December 2.



Paper: Jewish Communities Facing Transnationalism and the Global Economic Crisis







International Confrence: Memory and Archives. Jews in Todays’ Mexico. FES Acatlán-Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Comunidad Ashkenazi de México. Memoria del Mundo. UNESCO. March 9-11.



Paper: Praxis and Narratives of Exclusion.




International Conference: Thinking Social Sciences Today. Social Sicence Research Institute, April 15-18.



Paper: Identity and Culture.



International Conference The First Half-Century of the Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporany Jewry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem-The Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporany Jewry,  May 3-6.



Paper: Latin American Jewry- 50 years.




International Conference: The Global Economic Crisis and its Consequences: Latin America in a Comparative Perspective. Truman Institute, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. June 6-7.



Paper: Globalization Processes and Their Multidimensional Impact on Latin American Jewish Life.




XVII World Congress of Sociology. Sociology on the Move. ISA; Gothebourg, July 11-17.



Paper: Transnationalism, Religion and Community: Crossing Boundaries. New Conceptual Challenges.




Coloquium: Values for the Contemporary Society. UNAM, México, August 23-25.



Paper:  Roots of Traditional Ethics: Judaism.




XII Convención Nacional de Mujeres y Punto A.C., Instituto Cultural México-Israel, Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México, November 18-20.



Paper: Women and Civil Society




International Seminar: “Cities in 2010: between Society of Knowledge and Social Inequality” Programa Universitario de Estudios sobre la Ciudad, Mexico, November 24-26.



Paper: City, Identity and Deterritorialization.




International Congress of the American Jewish Committee, Miami, Florida, December 3-5.



Paper: The Process of Delegitimizing Israel.




XLII Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Boston, Massachusetts, December 19-21.



Paper: Latin American Jewish Life: New Paths of Interaction and New Worlds of Identities







Congreso Internacional sobre Migración y Trata de Personas, International Congress on Migration , Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, March.



Paper: Migración. ¿Un Problema Global? Migration: a global problem?






First Congress of Graduate Students-Primer Congreso de Alumnos de Posgrado, UNAM, May.



Paper: El Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. The Graduate Program of Political and Social Sciences. Its Academic Reforma and Future Challenges




Latin American Congress of Jewsih Educatuion. Congreso de Educación La Pasión de Enseñar y el Arte de Aprender. El Reto de la Escuela Judía, Universidad Hebraica, Colegio Israelita de México, Mayo 22-23



Paper: Los desafíos de la educación judía en el siglo XXI- Challenges of Jewish Education in the 21 Century






27 Annual International Conference Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State, Brandeis University,  June 13-15.



Paper: Changing Patterns of the Diaspora-Israel Relation. New Articulations of the National, Regional and Global Dimensions as Viewed from Latin America (power point)



Chair of the Session: Israel and the Diaspora I: New Perspectives?




Latin American Studies Association, Arizona State University, June.



Paper: Latin American Jews in a Transnational World. Being National- Being Transnational




International Research Conference, Research Project: Institute of Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, July.




Seminar on New Scenarios of Jewsih Life in teh 21 Century Seminario Analizando los Nuevos Escenarios Judíos del Siglo XXI, Universidad Hebraica de México, Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén a través del Centro Liwerant para el Estudio de América Latina, España, Portugal y sus Comunidades Judías, Comité Central Israelita de México, September.



Paper: Los Desafíos de la Educación y de la escuela Judía en el Siglo XXI. Challenges of Jewish Education and Jewish Schools




International Conference Socio-Demography of American Jewry, Steinhardt Social Research Institute, Brandeis University,October 23-24.



Paper: Latin American Jews in the United States. Community, Identity and Belonging in an Age of Transnationalism.




43 Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Washington, D.C. 18 al 20 de diciembre.



Paper: Changing Patterns of Latin American Jews in the National/Transnational Public Sphere







Science and Humanities Mexican Academy of Science. (Encuentro de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias Ciencia y Humanismo) Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, México, January.



Paper: Ser Otro en la historia y la memoria- Othernes in History and Memory.






40 World Congress of International Institute of Sociology



New Delhi,  February 16- 19



Paper. Thinking Multiple Modernities from Latin America’s Perspective: complexity, periphery and diversity.




Encuentro de la Red Latinoamericana de Universidades por el Emprendurismo Social, UDUAL, UNAM, UBA, México D.F., March 12- 13



Panel: Gobernabilidad y Desarrollo Incluyente- Gobernability and Inclussive Developemet






International Coilloquium: Change, Leadership amd Values in Jewish Education. (Coloquio Internacional Cambio, liderazgo y valores: transformándonos para transformar) Universidad Hebraica, Agencia Judía para Israel, Consejo Directivo de Educación Judía en México, México, May, 14-15.



Paper: La investigación como herramienta del cambio educativo- Research as a tool for educational change  (with  Yossi Goldstein)




XXX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Toward an Third Century of Independence in Latin America, San Francisco, California, EU, 23 al 26 de mayo.



Paper: The Binomial and its Challenges: Shifting Social Dynamics and Conceptual Approaches



Organizer of the session: Diaspora and Transnationalism: conceptual and historical challenges




Conference on Religious Diversity, Dialogue and Non Discrimintation (Jornadas Diversidad Religiosa. Diálogo y no Discriminación) Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación,  June



Paper: Discriminación y minorías religiosas: un análisis de la Encuesta Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación (ENADIS 2010)- Discrimination and religious minorities: analysis of the National Survey on Discrimination (ENADIS) 2010






Conference on The Humanities and Social Sciences )Retos de las Humanidades y las Ciencias Sociales= Coordinación de Humanidades-UNAM, June 12-14



Paper: Sobre las  Políticas de Estado en las Humanidades y las Ciencias Sociales- On State Policies for the Humanities and the Social Sciences






The Israeli Presidential Conference, Facing Tomorrow 2012, Israel, 19 al 21 de junio.



Paper en el Panel: “To Be Jewish”: The Challenge of Being Jewish in the Diaspora



Participante en la Mesa Redonda: Tomorrow’s Jewish Discourse: The Challenges and Decisions Facing The Jewish People




International Seminar: Latin American Jewish Education (Jornada Internacional: Educación Judía Latinoamericana en un Mundo Transnacional: El Educador Judío Transnacional=



Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén-Centro Liwerant para el Estudio de América Latina, España, Portugal y sus Comunidades Judías, Universidad Hebraica de México, Pincus Fund for Jewish Education in the Diaspora, AMIA,



Buenos Aires, August



Paper: Presentación del Proyecto Educador Judío Transnacional (EJTN) en sus aspectos teóricos y conceptuales-The Research Project The Latin Americaa Jewish Educator in a Transnational World.






International Colloquium Relations Israel- Latin America- Jewsih Communities. Coloquio Internacional Relaciones Israel -América Latina-. Comunidades Judías en un Mundo transnacional. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Centro Liwerant para la Investigación de América Latina, España, Portugal y sus Comunidades Judías, Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalnem,



Buenos Aires, September.



Paper: Latin America and its Jewish Communities: diasporas, globalization and transnationalism- América Latina y sus comunidades judías: diásporas, procesos de globalización y transnacionalismo-






International Conference The Jewish Communities of Latin America, University of Sao Paulo, Brasil, 3 al 5 de septiembre.



Paper: Relocation, Redefinition and Interconnectedness of Jewish Life in Times (and Spaces) of Transnationalism: New Realities, New Analytical Perspectives




Congress on 100 years of Institutional Jewsih Life in Mexico -Congreso Internacional 100 Años de la Vida Institucional Judía en México, UNAM-FES Acatlán-COLMEX-Universidad Hebraica-Comité Central



México, October 23 - 25



Conference: The State of Israel and its Impact on Institutional Jewish Life -Conferencia Magistral: El Estado de Israel y el impacto de la vida institucional judía en México.



Chair of the session: On 100 years of Mexican Jewish Life. : Reflexiones en torno a los 100 años de la vida institucional judía






Seventh Internacional Symposium The Klal Yisrael Project Reconsidering Israel-Diaspora Relations, Tel-Aviv University-Hebrew University of Jerusalem-Ben Gurion University, Israel, 7 al 9 de octubre.



Paper: Jewish Diaspora and Transnationalism: Akward Partners?




International Symposium “Contemporary Antisemitism in the United Kingdom”



The Journal for the Study of Antisemitism.



Wiener Library, Londo, December.



Paper: The Mexican Case. 


International Conference: The Future of the Jewish People. The Jewish People Policy Institute,



Jerusalem,  October 30- November 2



Paper: Conceptal approaches for the study of identites. Parámetros conceptuales para el estudio de la identidad.






44th Anual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Chicago, 16 al 18 de December



Panel: Jewish Cultures in the Americas.







International Conference Contemporary Jewish World of Klal Ysrael,



Tel Aviv University, January 2013.



Paper: The multiple facets of Klal Ysrael: national, regional and global configurations. A Latin American perspective.






International Relations Colloquium: Coloquio Internacional de Primavera: La Problemática en el Estudio de las Relaciones Internacionales, Centro de Estudios en Relaciones Internacionales, 15 al 19 de abril, FCPyS-UNAM.



Paper: New Analytical Perspectives: transantionalism and it’s theries-  Nuevos ángulos analíticos: el transnacionalismo y sus teorías.






International Conference Penser Global,



Maison des Sciences de L’Homme,



París, May 15 -17



Paper: Globalization and transnationalism: facing new realities, narratives and conceptual challenges.




2° International Conference on Education. The Jewsih Educator and the Jewsih School in a Changing World. Congreso Internacional de Educación. El educador y la escuela judía en un mundo cambiante: transformando vidas-descifrando contextos. 



Universidad Hebraica, Mexico,  May 26-27



Panel: Voices and Reflections. Dialogues with the educational community- Voces y reflexiones desde el aula: Diálogos en la comunidad educativa






XXXI Conference Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Towards a New Social Contract? Hacia un nuevo Contrato Social?



Washington, May 29-June 1



Paper: Widening the public sphere: new actors for a new social contract



Organizer of the session: New social contracts and the diversification of social life



Pre-Congress Workshop: Exploring the Ins and Outs of Academic Publishing: An Insider’s View.




Taglit-Birthright Israel. An Academic Symposium, Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalem, Israel, 11 y 12 de junio.



Discussant of session: Taglit’s Impact on Jewish Communities Worldwide.




International Conference Facing Tomorrow, President of State of Israel,



June 18 -20.



Paper: The Tomorrow of the 20%: Jewish Communities Outside Israel and the United States.




World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem,



July 28-August 1



a. Paper: Latin American Jewish Life: New Paths of Interactions in a Transnational Moment, en el Panel Diaspora and Transnationalism: Shifting Grounds Among European and Latin American Jewry



b. Studying Jewish Demography: What did we learn the las 50 years? – A roundtable



c. Nuevas Miradas Transnacionales sobre Experiencias de los Judíos de/en América Latina: abordajes conceptuales y metodológicos.






Internacional Conference Jewish Educational Tourism: Multiple Origins, Paths and destinations”,



Oranim College, Israel, July



Paper “Expanding Frontiers and Affirming Belongings: Youth Travel to Israel, A View for Latin America




International Workshop: Research of Jews in/of Latin America- Estudios Sobre Judíos en/de América Latina,



Centro Liwerant para el  Estudio de Amércia latina, España, Portugal y sus Comunidades Judías,  Universidad Hebrea de Jeusalem, July 26



Academic Coordinator, with Sergio Dellapergola and Leonardo Senkman




Coloquio Internacional Construcción de una cultura de paz: Diálogos y experiencias. CDHDF, ACNUR, CEI, CDI, UNAM, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, UPN, UNICEF, Cátedra UNESCO, Embajada de España y AECID.



Mexico, September



Paper: Ciudadanía, democracia, cultura de paz- Citizenship, Democracy and Peace Culture.






Coloquio XXVII Encuentro Internacional de Ciencias Sociales. Un itinerario del pensamiento moderno: la experiencia judía. Universidad de Guadalajara- Feria Internacional del Libro FIL_Académica 3 al 5 de diciembre.



Paper: “Múltiples Modernidades”. S.N- Esienstadt, su pensamiento sociológico y la experiencia judía.






XIII Encuentro Internacional sobre Cultura Democrática. El descontento ciudadano en las democracias del siglo XXI, Universidad de Guadalajara, Flacso, Conapred, UAM, FIL Académica- Guadalajara, 3 y 4 de diciembre



Paper Magistral: Ciudadanía y democracia en los tiempo de la globalización






XV Coloquio de Historia. Presencia judía en la Nueva España y México, Universidad de Guadalajara, FIL- Académica de Guadalajara, 5 y 6 de diciembre.



Paper: Entre tierras de promisión: pertenencias e identidades multiples






45th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Boston, 15-17 de diciembre.



Marshall Sklare Memorial Lecture, Respondent 








Historical Society. AMILAT, Jerusalem. 40 years of research on Latin America,







XVIII ISA Word Congress of Sociology. Facing an Unequal Word: Challenges for Global Sociology, Yokohama-Japón, July 13-14. Coorganizer of the session.



International Workshop Globalization in the Social Sciences, Princeton University, September 12-13.



Paper: Globalization and pluralism.




The Global Forum of the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, October 20-21.




International Research Conference: Association for Jewish Studies, Baltimore, December.



Paper: Jewish life facing new challenges: Diaspora and Transnationalism revisited.







Latin American Jewish Studies Association,



Jerusalem, March.



Paper: Judeophobia and Terrorism. An International Approach.




Emergent Forms of Religious Life in Contemporary Mexico,



Columbia University, New York, April.



Paper: Changing Profiles of Judaism in Mexico: Ethnocultural Diaspora and Religious Revival.




Global Forum on Antisemitism, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,



Jerusalem, May.




International Conference: Metropolis. Migrants Key Players in the 21st Century, UNAM, Mexico, September 7-11.




Jewish Life in the Americas, Schusterman Center, Texas University, Austin, November 1- 3.



Paper: Thinking the Americas from a Transnational Perspective.




International Colloquium of the Social Sciences. Los extravíos del Siglo XX: de la paz perdida a las tensiones soterradas, International Fair Book –University of Guadalajara, December.









Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, Paris, September.



Paper: Antisemitism and related expressions of prejudice in a global world.



A view from Latin America.




Third National Colloquium: History and Evaluation of Political Science in Mexico, Colegio de Jalisco, September 2016.



Key Note Conference: Social Sciences and Politcal Science facing Challenges of a Global Context.




International Colloquium: The Dimensions of the Crises in Latin America, University of Guadalajara, December 1-2.



Paper: Crises in Multiple Modernities. The Latin American Experience.




48° research Conference of the Association of Jewish Studies, December 16-18, San Diego.



Session: Jews in the Americas: Migrations, Insertions, Mutual Influences



Paper: Relocation of Latin American’s Jews the US: From periphery to complexity?



Chair and Discussant: Jewish Distinctiveness (Or Not So Much).









International Colloquium, Holocaust and Citizenship, May, Mexico City, IHRA; UNAM, UN,



Paper: Hsitorical and conceptual interconnections betweemn Holocaust and Citizenship Building




Research Conference, Israeli Studies Association, Brandeis University, June



Paper: Changing patterns of Center-Diaspora Relations.  Inner dynamics and external constraints in a transnational world.



 (A Comparative View from Latin America)




Research Conference of Latin American Jewish Studies Association, Mexico City,  July



Chair and Discussant: The Transnational Pradigm in Social Sciences. The Study of Latin American Jewry.




Research Seminar: Jews in the Americas, June 14-16



University of British Columbia, Vancouver.




World Conference, World Union of Jewsih Studies, Jerusalem, August



Special Session. Paper:



Reconsidering Israel-Diaspora Relations: On Collective Affirmation In Search Of Autonomy. The US-Mexico Wall




Session: Major debates about Israel: A multi-dimensional intellectual confrontation











International Conference “An End to Anti-Semitism”, organized by the University of Vienna, the Kantor Center of University of Tel Aviv February 18th-22nd 2018, at the University of Vienna



Paper presented: Anti-Semitism in a global world.  A view from Latin America. 



International Conference on Secularization, “The Politization of the Sacred and the Sacralization of Politcs, The Instittute of Juridical Research, Mexico, UNAM, April 23-27




Paper presented: Religion, Politics and the Public Sphere



( in process for its publication)




Academic dialogues on Politics and Violence, The National College of Sinaloa. April 28-29




Academic dialogues on Populism and Religion, University of Culiacán, April 29-30




Third National and First Iberoamerican Congress of Scientific Journals, UNAM, May




 Organizer and participant in the session: Scientific Journals facing globalization procsses: circulation of knowledge, tensions and challenges.




Paper: Social sciences facing globalization




International Conference “Challenging links and communal recognition” Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano,  Buenos Aires, June 2018



Paper presented: Borders, Plural Identities and communal orders: Latin America in a Transnational World




XIX International ISA World Congress of Sociology, “Power Violence and Justice”, Toronto, July 15-21




Organizer and presenter:  session “Prejudice, exclusion and violence in a transnational world”




Paper: Antisemitism in a transnational world: recurrences and changes.




International Encounter of the Social Sciences, International Book Fair, Guadalajara November 30




Session: The Decline of Democracy. The Disenchantment with Democracy Debated




International Encounter of the Social Sciences. FIL, November 30




Session: 1968 in the World,  November 28





All issues of the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales published since 1990 to date are available on-line at the web site: http://www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/rmspys and http://rmcps.unam.mx/. 



Dra. Judit Bokser Liwerant. Año 2021